Sian’s statement to be candidate for the Assembly list
“Sian’s leadership and exceptional communication skills not only inspired one of the most high profile Green campaigns in the 2008 Mayoral elections, but also inspired a generation to vote Green and become party activists. With passion, commitment and an outstanding knowledge of politics – Sian Berry gives the Green Party a real opportunity for us to amplify our message in what could be an extraordinary election for us.”
Amelia Womack, Green Party Deputy Leader
Please vote for me number 1 on the Assembly ballot paper and as your candidate for Mayor
Assembly Members have an important job holding the Mayor to account and promoting the best Green ideas to other parties. We need Greens on the Assembly who have experience of both these jobs to replace Darren and Jenny after their 16 years of hard work.
I was elected councillor in 2014, and have worked on local issues in Camden since 2002, from the local Stop the War branch to the Kings Cross Railwaylands Group, demanding more homes for our community from the largest brownfield development in Europe.
With more than ten years as a transport and environmental campaigner, I know how all levels of government work and have successfully won support for new policies in Camden Council, at City Hall and in Parliament.
As a councillor in Camden, I’m persuading other parties to do better
- My first motion was passed, winning a £1 million reserve fund to help stop community centres and libraries from closing
- I’ve held the council to account on new homes, challenging cuts to social housing in the vast Kings Cross development
- On the finance scrutiny committee, I’ve banged the drum for the Living Wage, against discrimination, and for fossil fuel divestment, and brought in an ethical advertising policy
- On air pollution, I’ve carried out ‘citizen science’ studies, got traffic reduction onto the agenda and demanded a much fiercer low emission zone across London
As a campaigner influencing those in power, I’ve won major changes to policies
- My Alliance Against Urban 4x4s campaign convinced the government to change taxes and advertising rules, councils to change parking policies, and Ken Livingstone to create a higher congestion charge for the most polluting cars
- Working with small businesses, I won a £50 million boiler scrappage scheme from the Treasury
- As a transport campaigner, I helped persuade ministers to spend £500 million on a ‘green retrofit’ for main roads – to reduce their impact on communities and wildlife
- This year I helped pass the first law guaranteeing long-term funding for walking and cycling
Put me on the Assembly and see Green ideas flourish, no matter who is Mayor
London is full of communities and campaigns building a new kind of politics. They need an ally in City Hall, which I can provide. As Assembly Member I would make sure the Mayor was unable to get away with working only for the rich and powerful, and that our ideas had the best possible advocate in City Hall.